The one question your copy really needs to answer

Chris Collins
1 min readSep 1, 2022

Want to write copy that really sells?

It’s not as complicated as it appears.

With every line you write, answer this one question:

“What’s in it for me?”

We ask this every day, in virtually everything we do. And we ask it in a hundred different ways:

  • Why should I care?
  • Is this worth my time?
  • Is this worth the money?
  • What will I get out of this?
  • Is this going to solve my problem?

Answering this question for your reader is how you become a copywriter.

Readers are selfish. They don’t give a damn about you. They only care about themselves.

And that can be a hard truth for marketing teams that are a little bit in love with their amazing product and everything it can do.

Every copywriting rule, technique, and method you encounter is a way of trying to answer the reader’s most basic question: “What’s in it for me? Why should I care?”

It’s such a critical rule in copywriting that its importance is often underestimated.

Solving your reader’s problems is a core copywriting skill. Focus on the pain points your customers are dealing with — and show them how you can help them get to the dream state they really want.

That’s how you make your customer the hero of the story.

How do you keep the focus on your reader?



Chris Collins

I help growth-focused SaaS and online brands engages their ideal prospects and converts them into delighted customers. Learn more at